Offset To Take Practical Climate Action

Climate change is threatening our environment and the planet.

We must all reduce our carbon footprint and offset the emissions we can’t avoid.

When you offset your carbon emissions with Greenfleet, we plant legally protected native forests on your behalf. As they grow, these forests remove carbon from the atmosphere to reduce the impacts of climate change.

Greenfleet is a Deductible Gift Recipient organisation. All offsets and donations of $2 or more are tax deductible in Australia.

Thank You For Growing Native Forests & Climate Hope With Greenfleet

Why Offset Emissions?

We should all reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible through our purchase, lifestyle and travel decisions.

Offsetting provides a solution to the emissions that cannot be avoided.

By offsetting your emissions through native reforestation, you reduce your own carbon footprint while making a genuine difference for our planet.

Why Offset With Greenfleet?

Not all carbon offsets are created equally. Greenfleet offsets carbon emissions by planting native forests in Australia and New Zealand that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere across their lifetime.

  • These forests are legally protected for up to 100 years to deliver sustainable and long-term climate action for decades to come.
  • By offsetting with Greenfleet, you are reducing your own carbon footprint and supporting the restoration of forests that will conserve biodiversity and build wildlife habitat.
  • As an environmental not-for-profit organisation, offsetting with Greenfleet is tax deductible.