Native Revegetation Project Near Goulburn, NSW

Gunningbar, a yurt farm just north of Goulburn in NSW, had been ‘wall to wall’ Serrated Tussock for decades when landowners Mike and Judith Shepherd approached Greenfleet in 2006.

The invasive weed was spreading to neighbouring properties and the threat of council fines loomed large. 

After acquiring a grant from the local council to address the tussock plague, the Shepherds worked with Greenfleet to plant an 20.5ha site with native species. Follow up plantings were carried out in 2008 and 2011 to replace trees that hadn’t survived harsh drought.

Today, eight metre high Black Sallee (Eucalyptus stellulata), Snow Gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora), White Gum (Eucalyptus rossii), and Black Wattle (Acacia mearnsii) trees provide shade and shelter for swamp wallabies and kangaroos. Woodland birds, especially Superb Fairy Wrens, Kookaburras and White Plumed Honeyeaters are making their homes in the forest, which, as it matures also acts as a carbon sink.

While the land is not tussock free (it has been sprayed since), the forest has stopped the spread of the noxious weed to neighbouring properties – and the threat of legal action from council has disappeared.

“Council is happy that we took action, and the new native forest has improved our property,” Judith says.

“As our business depends on our land for tourism, the investment in trees has been a good one. The forest features a variety of species - not just a monoculture – which makes the area more appealing for our guests who come to bushwalk.”

With Greenfleet’s help, the Shepherds have protected their asset, reduced their risk and enhanced the local environment for customers who come to stay at Gunningbar.

Location Size

20.5 ha North west of Goulburn in South Central NSW

Planting Dates

2006, 2008, 2011


  1. Acacia dealbata
  2. Acacia melanoxylon
  3. Acacia mearnsii
  4. Acacia falciformis
  5. Acacia genistifolia
  6. Acacia decurrens
  7. Allocasuarina verticillata
  8. Dodonea viscosa ssp angustissima
  9. Eucalyptus polyanthemos
  10. Eucalyptus blakelyii
  11. Eucalyptus dives
  12. Eucalyptus bridgesiana
  13. Eucalyptus rossii
  14. Eucalyptus melliodora
  15. Eucalyptus pauciflora
  16. Eucalyptus macroryncha
  17. Eucalyptus aggregata
  18. Eucalyptus mannifera
  19. Eucalyptus cinerea
  20. Hakea sericea
  21. Kunzea parvifolia

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2006New South Wales

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